with a Canadian post-graduate student also attending the University of
London, England, brought Professor Om Parkash Malik to Canada where, since
1974, he has been Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Calgary.
Born, Sargodha, Pakistan, 1932, before going to London, he obtained, 1962,
a Master of Engineering, Roorkee University, in the province of Uttar Pradesh
in northern India, and between 1953 and 1961, worked as Assistant to the
Chief Engineer, Punjab State Electricity Board. After graduating, Ph.D.,
University of London, 1965, Om immigrated to Canada as Assistant Professor,
Electrical Engineering, University of Windsor. After two years he was appointed
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Calgary, Alberta. Author/co-author of over 350 research papers in
international professional journals and conferences, Professor Malik recalls
that the decision to move to Canada “was rather easy,” as he always had
“a soft spot to see this country. "Dr. Malik has earned many awards
as a professional engineer, including the Engineering Institute of Canada’s
Canadian Pacific Railway Engineering Medal 1996-97. He also serves
as Director, Calgary Indo-Canadian Centre Association. In this view, Dr.
Malik, in China on a teaching excursion, raises his arm to explain technical
matters at a large electric power station. [Photo, courtesy, Dr. Om Malik]