Born, 1924, Ustrobna, Poland, Stan Jasinski, during the early war years, worked in the same stone quarry as Jozef Wojtyla, still another Polish-born citizen who would, in 1978, become His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, the first Polish Pope of the Roman Catholic Church to be elected in 450 years. Stan escaped Communism in Eastern Europe, 1966, after acquiring an engineering degree in Germany and a Master of Science Degree in Poland. Immigrating to Canada, 1967, Stan’s twofold dream was to begin anew in a world where people respected and treated each other equally and to establish his own company where such ideals could be introduced. After a month in Canada, Stan sent for his wife, Ruth, and after brief stops in Welland and Toronto, founded in Woodstock, Ontario, Hyd-Mech Engineering Ltd., 1978. Sales were a meager $80,000 in 1980. But over the next three years, Stan’s company was on the move breaking $3 million in sales. By 1995, with facilities in Woodstock, Ontario, Houston, Texas, and Pueblo, Colorado, Hyd-Mech was clearly a company with a future and at the forefront of metal sawing technology and in the top tier of bandsaw manufacturers in the world. Stan, in this view, one year after his arrival in Canada, exclaims today that Canada has been very good to him. It gave him the required freedom to develop his own business. When he semi-retired, 1997, Stan left a considerable number of shares to his Hyd-Mech employees and turned the company’s operations over to a new management team. [Photo, courtesy Hyd-Mech Engineering Ltd.]