Thomas Anthony Brzustowski, born, Warsaw, Poland, 1937, is President, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, (NSERC), Ottawa. He was 11 when his father, an Aeronautical Engineer, came to Canada to join A.V. Roe Company, Toronto, 1948. He graduated with a B.A.Sc. (Engineering Physics), University of Toronto, 1958, earning at Princeton University an A.M., 1960, and Ph.D. (Aeronautical Engineering), 1963. In 1962, Dr. Brzustowski began his career, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Waterloo, teaching and carrying out research in thermodynamics and combustion. Between 1967-1970, he served as Chairman, Mechanical Engineering Department, and was Vice-President, Academic, University of Waterloo, 1975-87. Appointed Deputy Minister, Colleges and Universities, Province of Ontario, 1987-91, he then became Deputy Minister, the Premier’s Council, for another four years before being appointed President, NSERC, which makes strategic investments in Canada’s capabilities in science and technology by providing grants in aid of basic university research, assistance to university-industry partnerships, and support for the advanced training of researchers in both areas. Awarded the Angus Medal of the Engineering Institute three times, Dr. Brzustowski holds honourary degrees from University of Guelph, Ryerson Polytechnic University, and the University of Waterloo. Dr. Brzustowski is also the recipient, Engineering Alumni Medal of the University of Toronto. In this view, Dr. Brzustowski, right, receives a certificate of appreciation from Dr. Ron Duhamel, Canada’s Secretary of State for Science, Research and Development, May 1999. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Tom Brzustowski]