Cristina-Delia Suciu, born in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, is the daughter of an agricultural engineer and of a mother who is a medical doctor. Graduating from the University of Cluj-Napoca Medical School, Cristina immigrated, on her own, to Canada, 1984, settling first, in Winnipeg, interning for one year at the University of Manitoba, then practicing for one year in that city before transferring to Hamilton, Ontario, where she attended McMaster University, becoming certified as an anaesthesiologist, 1993. Cristina worked as an anaesthesiologist in various southwestern Ontario cities, including hospitals in Hamilton, Windsor, Burlington, and Oakville before taking on a permanent position at Brantford General Hospital. In this view, Cristina is seen at the 80th anniversary celebrations of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Boian, Alberta, 1985, the year after she immigrated to Canada. Cristina, left, is standing next to the Rt. Hon. Don Mazankowski, M.P. for Vegreville, His Eminence Archbishop Victorin, Cristina’s uncle and Archbishop of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America and Canada, and Father Mircea Panciuk, Parish Priest of St. Mary’s Romanian Orthodox Church, Boian, Alberta. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Cristina Suciu]