Born in Botosáni, Romania, 1924, Valerie Miclea was only five years old when her father, Georghe, who had earlier come to Canada in search of opportunities, sent for his family to join him in Windsor, Ontario, where he had found a job. Valerie’s destination was to become an executive secretary to mining presidents at a time when Canada was a world leader in producing minerals. She was Richard V. Porritt’s executive assistant, 1965-1974, when he was President of Noranda Mines. Following an executive secretarial position at Hawker Siddeley, Valerie was made executive assistant to President Alfred Fairley when he guided Hollinger Mines Limited during the 1970s. Valerie married Charles W. Clark, 1976, and retired, in 1979, as “executive assistant top residents.” [Photo, courtesy Valerie Clark]