Music, Mathematics, Psychology, and Peace are among the academic expertise of Professor Emeritus Anatol Rapoport, University of Toronto, who, at 88, still teaches a course in the Psychology Department on his long-standing interest in "game theory." Born, Lozovaya, Russia, 1911, Professor Rapoport earned diplomas in piano, composition and conducting at Vienna Hochschule für aMusik, 1934, before moving to the U.S.A. to obtain his S.M., 1940, and Ph.D., Mathematics, 1941, University of Chicago. Captain, U.S. Air Force during World War II, between 1947 and 1954, Professor Rapoport taught Mathematics, University of Chicago, was Fellow, Stanford University Center Advanced Study Behavioral Sciences, 1954-55, before becoming Professor of Mathematics and Senior in Research Mathematics, Mental Health Research Institute, University of Michigan, 1955-70. Professor of Mathematics and Psychology, University of Toronto, 1970-80, and, since 1984, Professor of Peace Studies, same institution, his long interest in Peace studies led to his election as President, Canadian Peace Research & Education Association, 1972-1975, and President, Science for Peace, 1984-86. Dr. Rapoport has been a visiting or guest professor throughout his professional career at such institutions as University of Warsaw; Vienna Institute for Advanced Studies; Technical University of Denmark; Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin; University of Hiroshima, and Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich. He is the author of more than 300 articles. In 1976 he received the Lenz International Peace Research Prize and holds honorary degrees from the Universities of Western Michigan, Toronto, Royal Military College, and the University of Bern, Switzerland. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Anatol Rapoport]