Stellar Sixteen Years in NHL
Peter Zezel is proud of his Serbian heritage. His father, who came to Canada, 1948, lost his own father at age 11, survived the ravages of World War II, and crossed the Atlantic, landing on the soil of a brand new country at 18 years. Peter’s father, at first worked on a farm, then various lumber camps. After learning a trade, he then started his own business. Marrying a Canadian girl, Peter Sr. settled down and helped raise a family. Young Peter started playing hockey at 5 years. He also inherited his love for soccer from his father. In the under-21 category, Peter Jr. represented Canada on the Junior Canadian National Soccer Team. Peter’s hockey career began, 1983, when he was drafted by the Philadelphia Flyers. During his 16 years as a centre in the National Hockey League, Peter also played for St. Louis Blues, Washington Capitals, Dallas Stars, New Jersey Devils, Vancouver Canucks, and Toronto Maple Leafs, scoring overall 608 points, including 219 goals. An immigrant’s son who was taught early the value of the work ethic, Peter lived out a dream that most Canadian boys only dream about. [Photo, courtesy Peter Zezel]