Stanislava Markovich, born, Krusevac, Serbia, 1919, has the distinction of founding, 1987, the Serbian Heritage Museum in Windsor which promotes the history and the culture of Serbs both in their ancestral land and in Canada, the first Serbian museum of its kind in North America. Stanislava had a most successful career as a municipal librarian, working 22 years for the Windsor Public Library. Before she retired, she was the Library’s Assistant Director, 1967-79. Recipient of the Ontario Senior of the Year Award, 1993, Stanislava, before immigrating to Canada, had been a teacher in Kraljevo, Serbia, 1939-50. Married, 1939, her husband, Vukasin, an officer in the Royal Yugoslav Air Force, was taken prisoner by the Germans during World War II. After the hostilities, he immigrated to Canada, leaving Stanislava and their son behind the iron curtain. Eventually settling in Windsor, Stanislava rejoined him by escaping from Yugoslavia, 1950, bringing with her their 10-year old son, Bozidar. Soon another son, Slobodan, was born. Both sons are now grown, one an urban geographer, while the other is an economist. In this view, Stanislava sits at her desk in the Windsor Public Library, circa, 1975. [Photo, courtesy, Stanislava Markovich]