Award-Winning Architect
Born, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1922, Michael Kopsa graduated, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 1948. Immigrating to Canada, 1951, Mr. Kopsa settled in Toronto. Taking an active role in the Ontario Association of Architects, Mr. Kopsa designed the Yugoslav Pavilion at Montreal’s Expo 67. During his early years, he took part in a number of architectural competitions. In 1957 he was one of six finalists in a design competition for the new Winnipeg City Hall. He won second prize for the Mendel Art Centre, Saskatoon, and an honourable mention for Charlottetown’s Fathers of Confederation Centre. He was one of four finalists in the competition for the Royal Canadian Air Force Memorial, Trenton, Ontario. For the design of the new Brantford City Hall, 1964, he won first prize. One of his largest projects was designing the entire university campus in Jehda, Saudi Arabia. His latest work, now under construction, is the Serbian Orthodox Church, Mississauga, designed in the Byzantine tradition. [Photo, courtesy, Michael Kopsa]