Highly Respected Law Professor
Law Professor Ernest Caparros has written some 50 chapters in collective works as well as six books dealing with Canadian Law since immigrating to Canada from his native Spain, 1967. Born, Malaga, 1938, he earned an LL.L, University of Zaragoza, 1961, and spent two years, University of Navarra, obtaining his doctorate degree, J.C.D., before immigrating to Canada where he became Editor, Les Cahiers de Droit, 1965-70, and Assistant Professor, Law, Laval University, 1966. He was Adjunct Professor, 1967; Associate Professor, 1970, Professor 1975, and twice served as Vice-Dean, 1971-74 and 1976-77. At Laval he also earned an LL.D., 1973. In 1981, he moved to University of Ottawa as Professor of Law, and Professor, School of Graduate Studies and Research. Besides teaching, Ottawa University, Professor Caparros has been a visiting Professor at such universities as Toronto, Dalhousie, Calgary, McGill, and Sherbrooke, in Canada, and has served in similar roles in Mexico, Columbia, Spain, Italy, Chile, Argentina, and France. He was a consultant on Canada’s Law Reform Commission, 1971-75, Civil Code Revision Office, 1975-76, and Legal Council, Assembly of Bishops, Quebec, 1982-90. Since 1986, he has also been a Judge, Ecclesiastical Appeal Tribunal of Canada, and served as Canadian President, Canon Law Societies of America, 1991-93. Honours and distinctions include Fellowship, Royal Society of Canada, 1985; Knight of Magistral Grace, Order of Malta, 1992, and Associate Member, International Academy of Comparative Law, 1994. [Photo, courtesy Professor Ernest Caparros]