José Evangelista, born, Valencia, Spain, 1943, was enrolled, University of Valencia, while simultaneously attending Valencia Conservatory of Music, studying harmony and composition with Vincent Asencio. He received a Diploma in Composition, 1967, the same year he graduated L.Sc. (Physics), University of Valencia. Later work in computers led him to immigrate to Canada, 1969, working as a systems analyst, Ministry of Transport, Ottawa. Settling in Montreal, 1970, he abandoned his scientific career and initiated composition studies with André Prévost and Bruce Mather. Graduating, McGill University, M. Music, 1973, and D. Music, 1984, José Evangelista, since 1979, has been Professor of Music, Université de Montréal. Dr. Evangelista pursues an artistic path exploring ways to make music based exclusively on melody. He has developed heterophonic writing, both for instruments and orchestra, in which the melodic line generates echoes of itself and creates an illusion of polyphony. At the Université de Montréal, 1979, Professor Evangelista created the Balinese Gamelan Workshop, 1987. Composer-in-residence, Montreal Symphony Orchestra, 1993-95, José Evangelista has received numerous commissions, among others, from Groupe vocal de France, Itineraire (Paris), the Kronas Quartet (San Francisco), the SMCQ and the CBC. His music has been performed in Canada, the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia by groups such as Ensemble Modern (Frankfurt), Nieuw Ensemble (Amsterdam), Music Projects (London), and the Nouvel Ensemble Moderne (Montreal). [Photo, courtesy Professor José Evangelista]