Industrial Engineer
A much respected engineer,
Carl-Louis Sandblom was born, Stockholm, Sweden, 1942. Graduating B.A.,
Lunds University, 1963, and M.A. Uppsala University, 1964, Carl-Louis received
his Ph.D. in Economics from University of Birmingham, U.K., 1974. Professor
Sandblom taught Industrial Engineering for 10 years at Concordia University
before joining the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Technical University
of Nova Scotia (now DalTec at Dalhousie University), Halifax, Nova Scotia,
1985. His scientific publications are several in number but one, in particular,
which he co-authored called Continuous Optimization Models is a much-used
graduate student textbook used virtually anywhere in the English-speaking
world where Industrial Engineering is taught. Carl-Louis Sandblom has accepted
visiting academic appointments in Warsaw (Poland), Vienna and Laxenburg
(Austria), Linkoping and Gothenburg (Sweden), and Beijing (China). He has
also lectured, hosted seminars, conducted conferences, appeared at symposia,
and key not Kollberg and the father of four sons, Carl-Louis loves sailing,
including both offshore and inshore racing and has competitively participated
in two Atlantic crossings. [Photo, courtesy Professor Carl-Louis Sandblom]