Her maternal grandmother was born in a railway camp in Lapland while her maternal grandfather left home at eleven years and worked in mining camps. Her paternal grandparents were farmers in middle Sweden and a great uncle of Ingrid Arvidsdotter Bryan worked the Klondike, made a fortune and donated most of it to a Baptist Church in Los Angeles. Born, Jukkasjarvi, Sweden, Ingrid’s undergraduate studies were far and wide in that she attended Austin College, Texas, University of Lund, Sweden, Trinity College, Dublin, and completed her undergraduate degree in Economics, University of Sheffield, England, 1967. During that time, she married Rorke Bryan and when he got a job as Assistant Professor, University of Alberta, Edmonton, they immigrated to Canada. While he was teaching, she continued with her studies in Economics completing both her M.A. (1968) and Ph.D. (1972) before she and the family moved to Toronto where Ingrid taught, first, University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus, and, secondly, Ryerson Polytechnic University (formerly Ryerson Polytechnical Institute). Ingrid, a popular teacher at Ryerson since 1976, has developed two programs at Ryerson, one implementing a combined major program between Business and Economics and the other creating a new degree program in International Economics. She has served as Chair of the Economics Department (twice) as well as Dean of Arts, 1987-92. Mother of two children, author of two influential books, Ingrid, as with most first generation immigrants, has stayed close to her Swedish roots in that the family returns every summer to their cottage south of Kalmar (Djursvik). In this view, Ingrid Arvidsdotter Bryan hands out a prize at a Ryerson Awards Gala in the mid 1980s. [Photo, courtesy Professor Ingrid Arvidsdotter Bryan]