Pichet and Pien Tovich were born and raised in Thailand. Their respective parents were of Chinese origin, emigrating from South China to Thailand in the 1920s, due to economic hardship and frequent social unrest. Their parents were dedicated and hard working people, whose constant sacrifices enabled their children to finish university. Both graduated, 1968, from the Faculty of Medicine, Chiangmai University, in Northern Thailand, opting to immigrate, 1970, to Canada where they began residency training, University of Toronto: Pichet in Neurology; and Pien in Pathology. Completing their training in 1975, during which time the instability in South East Asia caused much concern over their children’s future in that region, they decided to remain in Canada. Pichet was able to establish a busy practice in Peterborough, Ontario, taking referrals from physicians in Peterborough and its surrounding area. Were it not for Pien’s willingness to sacrifice her career to raise four sons, Pichet’s practice would clearly have suffered. Instead it has since grown, with two other associate neurologists, and Pien acting as office manager. To date, the practice services an area populated by a quarter of a million residents. As with their parents, their success has been, in part, due to hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. But they are “very grateful for the opportunity, fairness, and freedom Canada has provided them, to achieve their goals beyond anything they could ever have imagined. ”In this view, Pichet, left, Pien, centre, and the Hon. Chuang Leekpai, Prime Minister of Thailand, attend a gala in Thailand, 1995. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Pichet Tovich]
Dr. Ekchai Vialpatar, born, Bangkok, Thailand, came to Canada via the United States, 1974, after graduating, Doctor of Chiropractic, from Northwestern College of Chiropractic, St. Paul, Minnesota. Establishing his practice in Toronto, Ontario, Dr. Vialpatar is a Member of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, Past President, Canadian Council of Chiropractic Sports Sciences, Fellow of the International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture, and a Member of the World Federation of Chiropractic. “Serving people, alleviating their pain and discomfort and bringing them health and wellness” is a motto which Dr. Vialpatar exercises while administering treatments. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Ekchai Vialpatar]