Wandee Young, right centre, was born at Puket, Southern Thailand, but grew up in Bangkok. Her father was in the restaurant business in Thailand so it was natural for Wandee, when she came to Canada, 1976, to follow in the footsteps of her father. Her first restaurant opened in Toronto, 1978. Called Young Thailand, Wandee claims it was the “First Thai Restaurant in Canada,” a corporate slogan she has registered and trade marked. She sold the restaurant a few years later, but kept the name, and reopened another all Thai restaurant, 1990. Today, Wandee has four Toronto eating establishments, all specializing in Thai foods, all called Young Thailand with the one on Church Street, downtown Toronto, the flag ship of the exclusive chain. Because of her Buddhist background, her restaurants are discreetly decorated with artifacts, statuettes, figurines, and various images and carvings reflecting the religious background of her native land. In this view, Wandee stands between two distinguished Thai diplomats who paid a visit to one of Wandee’s restaurants in 1999. On the right is Thailand's Ambassador to Canada, Mr. Sunai Bunyasiriphant and, left, is His Excellency M.R. Sukhumbhand Paribatra, M.P., Deputy Minister, Foreign Affairs, Thailand. [Photo, courtesy Wandee Young]