A Family Doctor in the “House”
Born in San Fernando, Trinidad, 1941, Dr. Hedy Fry obtained her medical degree from the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland, 1968, before immigrating to Canada to establish a family medical practice in Vancouver. A medical practitioner in British Columbia for nearly 25 years, Dr. Fry was first elected as Member of Parliament, Vancouver Centre, 1993, and re-elected, 1997. Formerly Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health, Dr. Fry was made Secretary of State (Multiculturalism) (Status of Women), 1996, and re-appointed, 1997, after the 1997 Federal Election. A Past President, British Columbia Medical Association, Dr. Fry was regularly featured on the CBC television series, Doctor, Doctor. A resident of Vancouver, Dr. Fry, in 1991, was recipient of the Caribbean Commonwealth Award. [Photo, courtesy Secretary of State]

Canada’s Queen of Caribbean Heritage
Rita Cox proves that one does not have to be an astronaut or Olympic Gold Medalist to receive widely acclaimed recognition for one’s accomplishments. As a young girl, at Port of Spain, Trinidad, she dreamed of moving to the United States. When the opportunity came, she made a beeline for New York City, graduating in Library Science from Columbia University, 1959, and taking a position with the New York Public Library. When she learned of Toronto’s Public Library reputation, she got that itchy feeling and made her way to Canada, taking a position as an Assistant Librarian in Toronto. Bringing with her qualities which made her one of the best story tellers of her generation, she thrilled children of all backgrounds with stories about the Caribbean and began assembling a library specializing in West Indian Literature. After 34 years with the Toronto Public Library, 22 years as Head of the Parkdale Branch Library, Rita Cox retired but not before she had created one of Canada’s best community libraries and assembled one of the most comprehensive Black Heritage and West Indian collections in Canada. Affectionately called the Queen of Caribbean Heritage, Rita Cox has received many awards including honorary doctoral degrees from both York and Wilfrid Laurier Universities. This beloved story teller, this much respected librarian, this builder of literacy among young people, was recognized for her life time achievements when Governor General Roméo LeBlanc, as viewed here, made her a Member of the Order of Canada, 1997. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Rita Cox]