Identifying Occupational Health Hazards
Dr. Roland Hosein, Vice-President, Environment, Health and Safety, General Electric Canada, is a native of Trinidad who took his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees at the University of London and completed his Ph.D. in Epidemiology at the University of Western Ontario, 1983. He did the epidemiology of lung disease’s research at Yale University, and later led a team in Occupational Health, Government of Alberta. Dr. Hosein started the graduate program in Occupational and Environmental Health with the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 1978, and today maintains a part-time appointment as Associate Professor. A writer of two books as well as over 30 articles in various scientific journals, Dr. Hosein has been either editor or co-editor of several major studies identified with occupational health hazards. Dr. Hosein’s corporate responsibility for health and environment covers Canada, Latin America, and India. He has assisted such governments as Egypt, Trinidad, and Grenada to develop Environmental Agencies, and today heads the Canadian Delegation on ISO 14000. He is involved in many community projects and currently is Chair of the Board of an ethnic theatre group, the Board of Prime Mentors Canada, Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters, Canada. His charitable works include Canadian, Caribbean, Indian, and Islamic organizations and he is funding the building of a technology wing of his primary school in his native Trinidad. Standing in this 1997 view with Sir Ellis Clark, President, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, is Dr. Roland Hosein, right, on the occasion of the opening of the Republic's Environmental Agency. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Roland Hosein]

Teacher with a Mission
The Bengali ancestors of Deo Kernahan, viewed right, came to Trinidad in the 19th century to work as indentured labourers on a sugar plantation near Felicity where the family adopted the surname of the plantation owner as their own. Three generations later, to take advantage of educational opportunities in Canada, Deo Kernahan migrated to Canada with his wife and daughter, 1968, to take an elementary school teaching post with the Etobicoke Board of Education, Toronto. Past President, Canadian Chapter, the World Conference on Religion and Peace, the largest interfaith group in the world, and, currently, President, Canadian Council of Hindus as well as a broadcaster with Vision TV, Deo, in this view, is seen with Father Ray O'Toole, middle, of the Scarborough Foreign Mission, and Father Nicola De Angelis, Auxillary Bishop, Multi-Religious Affairs to the Vatican, at an Interfaith Conference at the Scarborough Foreign Mission, Toronto, 1999. [Photo, courtesy Deo Kernahan]