Dr. Jameel Ali was born in Trinidad. A past student of St. Mary's College and Fatima College, he immigrated to Canada and enrolled in Medicine at the University of Manitoba, graduating, 1966. Following Fellowships at Boston University Medical Center and San Francisco General Hospital, Dr. Ali began his teaching career in Surgery at the University of Manitoba Medical School, 1973, leaving there, 1988, to become Full Professor of Surgery, University of Toronto Medical School.I nternationally known and respected in the field of Trauma, Dr. Ali is also recognized as an excellent teacher of Surgery, for his research into and the understanding of Trauma Care, and as an examiner of post graduate studies in Surgery. In 1999, at the annual Gallie Day Dinner held in Toronto, Dr. Jameel Ali, as viewed here, left, received the Bruce Tovee Award from the Chairman of the University of Toronto’s Department of Surgery, Dr. John Wedge, for his significant work as a teacher and, particularly, for his pioneering in the training of physicians in Canada and throughout the world in the principles of providing optimum care for injured victims. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Jameel Ali]