Specializing in Women’s Issues
Aysan Sev'er came to Canada, 1971, from Istanbul, Turkey, her birthplace. Settling in Windsor, Ontario, she attended University of Windsor, completing her undergraduate degree, Psychology, 1978, and an M.A., Sociology, 1980, before attending York University where she graduated with a Ph.D., Sociology, 1983. Since 1984, Professor Sev’er has taught at the University of Toronto as a much respected member of the Sociology Department where she specializes in Issues Pertaining to Women. The author of three books and many scholarly articles in various professional journals, Professor Sev’er was recognized, 1998, with the Annual Persons’ Day Award honouring the Supreme Court’s Decision, 1929, legally making all Canadian women, persons. [Photo, courtesy Professor Aysan Sev’er]

Creating a Family Business
Züleyha Erkoc, born, Tokat, Turkey, a village near Ankara, was edu-cated in nursing at Hacettepe Hems¸ire Kolej. In 1973, as a practicing nurse in Istanbul, Züleyha met her future husband, Mehmet Tukoff, who had fled communism in his native Bulgaria. After their betrothal, he immigrated to Canada, settling in Toronto, where he worked for two years before sending for his wife-to-be. One month to the day after Züleyha’s arrival, June 6, 1975, Züleyha and Mehmet were married, choosing to settle in fast growing Mississauga, Ontario, where they have established a thriving business cleaning offices of commercial establishments. Together, they have raised two daughters and a son: Özlem, centre, a graduate of Humber College, I ? nci, left, an undergrad-uate at Queen’s University, and Tolga, right, still in high school but anticipating a career in law. Together, the family sponsors a Guatemalan boy, through World Vision. [Photo, courtesy Züleyha Tukoff]