henry beaudry
I went overseas with the Saskatoon Light Infantry. I was over in Scotland and England. We went to Sicily and Italy with them in 1943; I was with them till December 25, 1944. I was captured in northern Italy but I was with the reconnaissance that time. I was with SLR when I got wounded in Italy and I was in the hospital for a month. So when I came back I got transferred to another reconnaissance outfit. I was a gunner in SLR and when I was transferred I was mostly sent out scouting behind the lines. I ran out of luck and got captured. I was in a prison camp for a period of approximately four months. In February we got taken out from the prison camps on a death march, all of us that were able to walk. While we were walking my friend (from the prison camp) and I got away. He was a Mongolian from Siberia. They called it a death march, we didn't know where we were going but while we were walking we took off. We thought we might get killed anyway we might as well take a chance. So we got away, it was snowing and storming at that time. I didn't have warm clothes, not even a hat. My friend had pretty warm clothing, sheepskin you know how the Russian's wear it. We got along and we had to beg for food from farmers, the German farmers gave us food, it was near the end of the war anyway. It was 1945 already and we traveled for about two months, we slept in the snow, we slept wherever there was shelter. We ended up meeting these Americans in April sometime; we had a pretty rough time going through though because we were mixed with Germans by that time. We got into this town early in the morning and all these people had white flags in their windows, surrendering I guess. By 11 o'clock the thing was over, the Americans had the town surrounded, but they were shooting at us these Americans, because we were mixed with the Germans. I could hardly walk my legs were swelling up from walking and the cold. The Americans interviewed me, because I was cold and my friend had changed jackets with me so they thought that I was Russian. My friend didn't speak any English but we got along. They asked me a bunch of questions and I told them if I was Russian I wouldn't be speaking any English. They told me to wait because there was other people coming in with food and stuff. So I stayed but I was hungry, and I could hear a chicken somewhere. I found seven eggs, so I gathered wood and I made fire. I went around and I found a German pan, and I found some butter that they left and I cooked the eggs I found. I ate them all I was so hungry. My friend had left I didn't know where he was. Turns out that he was in the bar, and the next morning they found him poisoned. I never seen my friend since, I didn't even know his name. The next day these Americans started coming in, they set up big tents, showers and everything. I hadn't changed clothes in about four or five months and I was all lousy. They let me shower. They never did ask me any questions about where I was from or anything. Wherever they went I went with them. This one time they piled on a truck so I got on too. We started early in the morning; I didn't know where they were going I just went with them because I was all alone. We traveled all morning until about two or three in the afternoon. We went to an airport and they started to get into this plane so I followed them. I thought they would be going back to the States or something. I didn't speak much English and I couldn't write. We traveled for a while that was my first time on a plane, it was a big transport plane. I looked down and I seen mountains and I could see smoke, they were shooting at us. We landed in Amsterdam, Holland. Everyone started lining up in rows, and these guys asked me, "What part of America are you from?" I told them I didn't come from America; they asked me what I was doing there then. I told them I was with the Canadian Army and that I was captured in Northern Italy. I told them that nobody had asked me where I was from. They said that they would ship me back to England with a couple of other guys. Near London there was a big Canadian base, so I went there. So anyway that's what happened.