sandy chocan
I basically left the reserve, well there was a Veteran back home named Eric Dylan who was in Korea and that more or less inspired me to see the world. I was stationed in Winnipeg for four, the whole four years I did my basic (training) in Nova Scotia for ten weeks then to battle school in Wayne right for four months and then I was stationed in Winnipeg for the remaining four. We went over to Yugoslavia for the start of the war that was in 1993; we went over as an advance party and basically took over for 3 PPCLI that were there before us. The type of operations we did there were everything from checkpoints, mobile check points, like searching vehicles on highways, long range and short range patrols, humanitarian aid, security. There's a lot of old people that wanted to come back to there villages because they were from the wrong side of the lines. We provided some security to get them back so they could salvage some of what they got from their houses, but most times you couldn't really go off of the pavement because of booby traps and mines. Then about half way through the tour we got moved, we were in sector west, we were basically in charge of keeping a UNPA United Nations Protection Area. It's kind of like a reserve and we basically took all of their weapons away, but like everywhere else it's pretty hard to do. You also have a lot of guys smuggling weapons, mines, grenades, whatever and both sides would fight it out pretty much. You see a lot of fire fights, a lot of explosions. That was in sector west and half way through the tour we got moved to sector south. There you pretty much experienced everything, artillery, mines, artillery comes down on you probably every third or fourth day. It was a little rougher down there because you were basically right at the frontlines. In October 5th 1993, we came back home, our tour was over.