tony cote

It was a very good experience, It was an experience that I always thought was very positive. I had come from a family that were in the Army or in the service. My Dad was in the First World War, my brothers in the Second World War. Then I though I would do likewise, and I enjoyed being in the Army, I learned a lot from my experiences. The Korean War was something that I didn't know what it was going to be like, but when we got into the front lines I knew what we were in for. It was to be in war against the North Koreans and China. It's something that a person really doesn't know how to express, it's a situation where you live from day to day and you never know what's going to happen tomorrow, or what's going to happen tonight. But you have to live and hope with it. And we survived, we came out of there even though we did loose a number of men. I was fortunate to come home after fourteen months in Korea, that's the length of time that we spent in Korea, my unit and I. And it's something that I'll always treasure, something that I'll always be able to relate to my children, my grandchildren, my great-grandchildren then down. I know that they'll really not fully understand what it was like, they'll hear about it but they won't realize the effects we had experienced, the experience that we had to go through. So I will leave it at that.