Vincent Gamble
I was born on the 30th of March 1934. I am from Beardy's, Saskatchewan. I joined the army in 1950-51. I served in Germany that is where I spent most of my time. From there I was stationed in Winnipeg, then Regina, and then I was sent to Churchill, Manitoba. I stayed over there for two winters and I came back and got my release from the army. That was in 1954; from there I tried to farm at home. But there was no help for the veterans at that time, not for us anyway. And the land that was supposed to be given to us was our land already. So we weren't treated like the white veterans or the Metis veterans. Other than that though being in the army was good. While we were in the army we were treated well and we worked hard training for battle. I wanted to go to Korea, but the Captain that was interviewing me told me that there were more people from back home from the Regina Rifles. He finally talked me into joining the Regina Rifles, so I stayed there. From there they shipped us to Quebec, and from there we went to Europe, and Germany. We were on the water for 14 days, it was pretty rough that time, we went over in the fall. I guess that was the worst time to go over but nobody knew that except for the order of veterans that were in the Second World War.