ice age:
Also glacial epoch, Pleistocene epoch. The period ending around 10 000 years ago during which much of the northern half of the Earth was covered with huge sheets of ice.

The study of the body's defenses against disease.

(genus: Indigofera) A plant from which comes indigo blue dye. Also the colour indigo, a dark purplish tint.

Ton introduce industry into an area on a large scale.

A general word for a system of transport or communication, e.g. a road infrastructure, a telephone infrastructure.

To introduce germs, or a modified virus into a living body in order to strengthen the immune system against it before a true invasion occurs.

The substance used to make an inoculation.

Compound which is not organic, that is not carbon-based.

A preparation or substance used for killing insects.

Two events occurring at the same moment.

A hormone that controls the body's processing of sugar.

intensive cultures:
Growing focused on producing as much as possible per plant, as fast as possible.

To grow one crop between the rows of another, as in an orchard, vineyard, or field.

internal combustion engine:
An engine using burning hydrocarbons to power one or more pistons.

Allows the soil between rows to be covered from rain drop impact, and water runoff.

intestinal flora:
Consists of several bacteria cohabiting in the digestive system. In humans the bacteria include: E-Coli, Klebsiella, Aerobacter, Entercoccinum, Acidophilus, Colchicum, Aloe, Cococynthis, Mercurius Corrosivus, Nux Vomica.

Having many interrelated parts of facets.

ipil-ipil tree:
A fast growing species of tree used to reforest steep slopes.

Symbol: Fe Atomic mass: 55.847 A silver white metallic element that is not usually used in it's pure form, yet in a compound, it used mainly in the making of tools.

The artificial application of water to land to assist in the production of crops.
Agromedia : English : Glossary : Section I