
Julie sigularly focused on her work... Amos and Nick are obviously busy elsewhere. Julie Brown is a student at Chateauguay Valley Regional and lives in Elgin, Quebec. Her skills in photography, image editing and graphic design were invaluable to the project. Although she's still got some time to decide, she's looking at working in graphic design. She's known around here for switching to French when she gets mad at Amos or Nick (we hear a lot of French around here).

Her Dev-Teammates say of her:

"It looks red to me." (Eric)

"We have a saying at work: if a job's worth doing, it is worth doing right. If it isn't worth doing... give it to Julie." (Amos)

"When she starts to swear in french, we all know she must be ticked off!" (Gord)

"Not everyone can appreciate my choice of music. Julie does though!" (Pierce)

"Thank Maxis for SimCity 2000, it's the only thing that will shut her up." (Nick)

"Julie knows what she's doing and has been invaluable, so much that I've hijacked her skills on several occasions for other projects." (Dave)

"What does your horoscope say today?" (Jon)

"Always there to... with perfect advice about anything :O)" (Elly)

Jonathan being scholarly. Jonathan Brunette is a student at Chateauguay Valley Regional High School. He came out to the country early in life from Montreal. Something involving fun and computers is where he wants to wind up working (maybe he could just stay here forever). A Chief Scout's Award winner, Jonathan enjoys outdoor pursuits and reading.

His Dev-Teammates say of him:

"A strong, silent type." (Eric)

"Free stuff is always the best!" (Amos)

"Great sense of humour and likes free sugar." (Gord)

"When a computer needs wiring up, we call up 'The Cable Guy'." (Pierce)

"I love your mom. Oh! and you're a great guy too." (Julie)

"Seemed like a very bright kid, till he told me he has a PC." (Nick)

"Jon? Who's that? The guy's quiet like a ghost, but his reputation os the cable gup precedes him. Congrats on being the first to find me a seagull :)" (Dave)

"Shut up! :OP" (Elly)

Elly being pensive.Elspeth Dahms is a high school student at Chateauguay Valley Regional High School in Ormstown, Quebec. She has designs on entering the field of medicine, hopefully through the Canadian Military. A Private in the Royal Canadian Army Cadets, she hopes that the experience will help her in a future military career. She currently lives near Dewittville, Quebec. Elly has been known to provide musical interludes at work with her guitar. Elly contributed countless hours to the creation and improvement of the glossary and helped with the look of the site.

Her Dev-Teammates say of her:

"A tireless worker, except on three hours of sleep..." (Eric)

"Elly's melodious melodies have been known to put people to sleep... especially herself." (Amos)

"She loves to chat....providing we are on ICQ or IRC or any type of chat site on the net." (Gord)

"If chatting online never existed, Elly would go crazy." (Pierce)

"Always there when you need someone to talk to , that is, when she's not chatting." (Julie)

"There's a new version of ICQ coming out, ICQ Addict for more than the average user." (Nick)

"Weird tastes in music and anti-social tendencies aside, Elly is a very interesting character who has learned a LOT this summer." (Dave)

"Is that popcorn, Elly? I know..."Shut up!"... right?" (Jon)

El Presidenté.Gordon Denison feels he is the greatest man alive, and Dawson College and Howick, Quebec are lucky to be associated with him. He is the ultimate power in the universe and proves it with his mastery of technology appropriation, leadership and coding. He is also known for his sense of hyperbole.

His Dev-Teammates say of him:

"All hail our charismatic co-local-leader-in-chief!" (Eric)

"What could we do without such a charismatic leader? (long list follows)" (Amos)

"I ain't up wit da stuff homes!" (Pierce)

"Mostly sarcastic, although once in a while he'll let a compliment slip, which makes you feel all tingley inside." (Julie)

"Always there for a ride, thanks. His cheque is in the mail." (Nick)

"Gord has an iron fist and a stern countenance, especially after the router has crashed 6 times that morning. He is a really intense guy, and it shows in his love of his work." (Dave)

"What is that, MORE glossary words?" (Jon)

"Yes, Sir! Right away, Sir!" (Elly)

Eric takes his own picture without a time delay.Eric Hortop is a student in Creative Arts at Dawson College in Westmount, Quebec. Born and raised in Ormstown, Quebec, Eric intends to stay in the area and teach or consult in communications and computer science. This is his third year working for the QFA and his second SchoolNet experience. Eric provided something resembling leadership in tandem with Gord, and was responsible for the look of the site, and the re-engineering of lots of JavaScript. He can often be heard ranting about various topics:

"Sixteen colours is twelve too many for that!" ... "Wintel machines make everybody's life miserable!" ... "Sure they look the same, but use that strong tag instead of bold-- it's really different, trust me!"

His Dev-Teammates say of him:

"BOLD is just better then STRONG, face it Eric" (Amos)

"At work, we dare not use the blink tag...unless ready to face the wrath of The Eric!" (Gord)

"What tag does Eric hate again?" (Pierce)

"Instead of always trying to go around what he's trying to say, he should start being more direct." (Julie)

" It's NEVER error free." (Nick)

"Eric has taught me more about graphics manipulation than I'd care to mention. And no matter how much Javascript I learn, I'll never be able to wrap my brain around the math he uses. But that doesn't matter, because I can still wrap my code around it!" (Dave)

"Hey, you taught me how to reset the router." (Jon)

"You're the boss." (Elly)

A pretty bad pic of Pierce. Pierce Hua is a student at Chateauguay Valley Regional, and the youngest member of the team. Born and raised in Valleyfield, Pierce has ambitions of working in medicine. Pierce contributed his coding and troubleshooting skills to the project. Pierce is a rabid basketball player, and will dominate the NBA between late-night emergency room shifts.

His Dev-Teammates say of him:

"A fast enough learner that that inconveniently placed vacation didn't faze him a bit!" (Eric)

"Pierce likes to use handcuffs as an excuse to get to know other people" (Amos)

"He be da Homie P!" (Gord)

"I couldn't have survived this summer without his wonderful music and his generous heart." (Julie)

"In my personal opinion, his music sucks." (Nick)

"Pierce is a really generous guy (in fact, lunch is on him today)! And he's one of the most resourceful members of the team. I almost feel bad about crashing his computer..." (Dave)

"Um, maybe playing with that cart wasn't a bright idea..." (Jon)

"Je regarde le Disque Jockey." (Elly)

Amos shows off Eric's artistic talent... Amos McClintock was imported a while back from Fredericton, New Brunswick, but has managed to blend in with the natives here. He attends Chateauguay Valley Regional High School, and is looking to work in computer technology. Amos contributed his expertise at coding and finding innovative ways to cause the page to crash, greatly helping troubleshooting. Amos' sense of humour is unmatched in corruption factor.

His Dev-Teammates say of him:

"Despite being a PC user, not all that bad a guy." (Eric)

"At heart, he is truly a Mac man." (Gord)

"Amos and I have only one thing to say to these Mac people, 'We got more apps!'" (Pierce)

"Let's just say that there hasn't been a day in 2 months without at least 20 insults, but he does apologize when his conscience starts to bother him, unfortunately he doesn't have much of a conscience." (Julie)

"What would I do without his wise opinions about Julie?" (Nick)

"This guy blows me away... literally... in every network game we play. Amos knows what he's doing and is the only guy I know who gets paid to crash things." (Dave)

"Anyone for some "Shut 'em up action"? Oh, yeah... PCs ROCK!" (Jon)

"Long live the Chili-Pig! ...Providing there are new versions up for release" (Elly)

Nick posed to deliver another address. Nick Stuckey is another student at Chateauguay Valley Regional High School. He's a Valley native despite some time in Chateauguay, currently in Howick. Nick contibuted his HTML coding skills to the project, along with his warped sense of humour. Nick plans to move on in one of the many law enforcement agencies.

His Dev-Teammates say of him:

"Suave. Sort of." (Eric)

"Nick's sense of humour is an inspiration to us all. With my help, he could be the best." (Amos)

"Hilarious sense of humour...if you're not the butt end of the joke." (Gord)

"I wonder why we hear a lot of French here huh Nick?" (Pierce)

"One of my most memorable moments has been with Nick. He's the only person I've had the chance to tie up and leave in the darkness of the girls washroom. " (Julie)

"What an ego. Reminds me of me. It's a good thing he can back it up with skill of equal size." (Dave)

"Is that silence I hear? Better put some music on." (Jon)

"Yep... definitely a Mac user." (Elly)

Dave in a serious mood. David Thiel is between schools right now, but will be heading out to the missionary fields soon. He's planning on being far away in a grass hut- where he won't have to look at a computer. For now, though, he's one of our JavaScripters and lead chauffeur. He also holds a local record for shortest trip into the U.S.: approximately 3 seconds.

His Dev-Teammates say of him:

"He who ties all my abstract math scripts into something coherent." (Eric)

"There are not many people who can come up with such useless yet creative JavaScripts" (Amos)

"All Hail The Javascript Guru!!!" (Gord)

"Most of the time I would say to Dave, "Cool script! But what's the point?"" (Pierce)

"Doesn't realize the impact of his own words." (Julie)

"You never cease to amaze me with your creative scripts...But can they paint the side of a house?" (Nick)

"Maybe Dave would be a more pleasant co-worker if he's watch what he said, sometimes. Somebody's got to have a use for his scripts..." (Dave)

"Don't worry, I can always give you an idea for a useless script." (Jon)

"Good driver :OP" (Elly)

muhahahahahaha. This is what happens when Stu gets tired and annoyed! Stuart Thiel is by far the most mysterious of this group. Although not officially assigned to this project his systematic checking of every link on the page as well as spellchecking everything makes him deserving of a place on this list.

His Dev-Teammates say of him:

Nothing. He wrote this unbeknownst to them :P
