The Humboldt Journal

October 27, 1910


The telephone system, which has been under construction here for the past two months by the provincial government, is now completed and in working order. Of sixty six instruments which have been put in so far, thirty six are in business places, and thirty in residences. There are, however, more applications for connections, and these will be installed just as soon as possible.

The central station is located in the office of the Dominion customs, J.T. Richardson being in charge.

The system is giving every satisfaction, and everyone seems to be well

pleased with the service.

The hours of service are from 7 o'clock a.m. to 10 o'clock p.m.; Sundays, 10 to 12. We understand that an all night service will be given when the exchange reaches 100 telephones.

The long distance telephone was completed some two months ago, and has been working with every success, and proving a great benefit to business interests. Connections can be had with points on the main line west as far as Warman, and also with all points on the Prince Albert branch and as far east as Winnipeg.

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