The Humboldt Journal

April 2O, 1911
Volume 6, No. 27
$1.00 Per Year

Although no authoritative announcement has yet been made by the Canadian Northern Railway Company with regard to the new summer service which is expected to come into effect shortly, it is understood here that the changes will be of a very important nature, not only in connection with the train service but with regard to the company interests in Humboldt.

The local officials are very reticent at present on these matters, and will divulge little definite information. It is understood however that it is the company intention to make Humboldt the chief divisional point between Winnipeg and Edmonton, and with that end in view have already awarded the contact for an addition of ten new stalls on to the present round house, making a sixteen stall round house and the largest between Winnipeg and Edmonton. Machine repair shops will also be constructed.

The train crews running both east and west will make Humboldt their headquarters which will necessitate the establishment of a dispatcher's office here.

Important innovations are also contemplated in connection with the passenger service ice. It is expected that the through train will run as an imperial limited, stopping only at the important points and cutting off several hours of the present time between Winnipeg and Edmonton. Local trains will be put on east and west of Humboldt to carry the mails and local traffic. Humboldt will also be the passenger division between the Manitoba and Alberta capitals.

These constitute the main features of the company plans as a result of which Humboldt 's position as a C. N. R. center will be increased to a very great extent. It will mean an addition of probably one hundred families who will make their homes here.

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