The Humboldt Journal

January 7, 1914
Volume 10, No.13
$1.00 Per Year

The Humboldt land titles office was opened here this week in the old land office building, which will be used as temporary quarters until the completion of the new building now under construction.

The office supplies and documents were shipped over by express from Saskatoon on Saturday and the staff were busy up to a late hour Saturday night putting things in shape for the opening of the office on Monday morning and now have everything arranged as conveniently as could be expected in temporary quarters.

Humboldt has created a land titles registration district by an order in council which took effect April 23rd, 1913, and since that time a large staff has been employed on the documents and other procedure in connection with the separation of the new district from, the Prince Albert and Saskatoon registration districts of which it formerly formed a part, and which entailed an immense amount of work. The Humboldt district takes in the judicial districts of Humboldt and Wynyard.

Mr. Robt. Smith, registrar, was for many years in charge of the land titles office at Prince Albert and this is the second time he has opened up a new land titles registration district, having had charge of the Saskatoon office on the formation of that district: about five years ago, which he says, however, was an easy matter compared with the opening of the Humboldt office. This can be readily understood when the great amount of land which has been patented in this district during the past five years is taken into consideration.

The following compose the staff:
Registrar - Robert Smith
Deputy Registrar - Gustav Fournier.
Accountant - W J. Payne.
Chief Clerk - Harold Smithurst
Clerks - F. J. MacInernay. A. J. Simmons, E. J. Jones, Fred McKinnon , L. J. Armstrong,, Miss Alice Barry, Miss Alice Long, Miss L. Sassevilie.
Stenographer - Miss Ruth Olson.
With the exception or Miss Barry and Miss Olson, formerly residents of Humboldt and Mr. Armstrong, who comes from Watson the above were formerly in the Saskatoon land titles office.

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