The Humboldt Journal

August 17, 1922 Volume 17 No.44 $2.00 Per Year in Advance


Mr. Arthur Driver has the distinction of possessing the first radio phone in Humboldt. And what is more, he constructed the entire set himself. During the last three nights, Mr. Driver has "listened in" and heard clearly the programs sent out from the Regina Broadcasting Station, a distance of 160 miles.

His aerial wires are 100 feet long, and set up at a height of 40 feet. The radio is installed at his home. He has also picked up wireless messages, sent out from different wireless stations in Canada.

Mr. Driver now intends to construct an instrument capable of reaching Winnipeg. He has received his license for the operation of a radio station.

Considerable knowledge connected with radio was acquired by Mr. Driver while serving with the signaling corps overseas; and during the past year he has spent the greater part of his spare time studying all the later developments in connection with radio. He states that he will gladly assist anyone, in Humboldt who wishes to build his own radio set.

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