The Humboldt Journal

June 01, 1911 Volume 6, No.33 $1.00 Per Year


At an informal meeting of the town council held on Friday evening of last week the question of the installation of waterworks sewerage and electric light systems was discussed.

Mr. F. McArthur a civil engineer, who the council engaged to give advice, was present and the whole matter was gone into and discussed.

The first question taken up was with regard to the source of water supply this being the first and chief thing to be considered and solved. Mr. McAuther thought that the town well would be quite capable of furnishing all the water required and was of the opinion that the quality of the water was good, and in fact much superior to that of many cities in the west. His idea however, was to have the capacity

of the well tested, and this will be done before any further steps are taken.

The engineer estimated that a waterworks system would cost in the neighborhood of $30,000, sewage about $15,000 and an electric light plant an additional $16,000, making a total of about $60,000.00. This would provide for power house and machinery, water mains reservoir, etc., and in connection with the sewerage system there would be disposal works to provide for the treatment and disposal of the sewerage.

If the council can be convinced that our water supply is sufficient for waterworks and sewerage systems, no time will be lost in preparing detailed estimates. and placing the matter before the rate payers for their approval.

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