The Humboldt Journal

September 3, 1931 Volume 26, No.40


Humboldt will this week change from Burton Lake to Stoney lake as the source of its water supply, and the work involved in making the transfer is now in progress. The water situation here has caused considerable anxiety for some time past. Both the Canadian National and the Canadian Pacific Railways and the town procure their water from this lake and have made such inroads in the supply that it is not considered adequate to carry over another season. The lack of any large amount of rainfall during the last few years has also been instrumental in reducing the visible supply. The quality of the Burton lake water has also deteriorated to such an extent that at present it is unsuitable for domestic use. R. H. Murray director of sanitation,

department of public health, Regina, was in town recently, and with Mayor Dr. J. C. King and members of the town council investigated the whole water situation here. As a temporary measure the council decided to start the pumping plant at Stoney Lake, which has been held in reserve, as this was the original source when the waterworks were first installed. A force of several men is now engaged at the pumping plant. Another engine is being installed and the one there at present will be used as an auxiliary.

The council has made application under the federal relief scheme, for funds to carry on this work, also for other contemplated work in connection with the waterworks system.

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