Humboldt's Requests To Be A Village And A Town

By the spring of 1905 the citizens realized the necessity of organizing the community immediately.

On March 6, 1905, A.H. George wrote to the Deputy Commissioner of the North West Territories in Regina asking for the necessary papers to organize a village. These were forwarded to Mr. George under date of March 14.

Letter, Full Size = 227K

Map, Full Size = 207K

On April 29, 1905, Mr. George wrote as follows:
Mr. John Hocks, Deputy Commissioner, Regina.

Dear Sirs:

Your letter of March 14th was received and enclosed was a request for a Village ordinance and township plot. I herewith enclose you a diagram of the submitted townsite of Humboldt showing the occupied dwelling house and attached to same is a declaration (sic). We desire to incorporate the townsite of Humboldt as soon as possible and hope that upon receipt of this you will take the necessary steps in the matter as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours, A.H. George.

The letter was written on stationary of the Great Northern Lumber Co. Ltd. which carried the following information:
H.J. Haskamp, President.
H.N. Clausen, Treasurer.
A.J. Edelbrock, Secretary.
F. Heidgerken, General Manager.
Incorporated Capital Stock $100,000.00.
Dealers In - All Kinds of Building Material, Hardware, General Merchandise and Wholesale Liquors.

The plan showed the proposed village was to occupy the NE 1/4 of Section 19 and the NW 1/4 of Section 20-37-22 W 2nd, the main street being the road allowance between the two above named sections.

Also submitted was a declaration by F.B. Davidson as follows:

"I, F.B. Davidson of Humboldt in the District of Saskatchewan do solemnly declare:

I. That there are not less than 15 dwelling houses within...the area of the proposed Village of Humboldt.

II. That the dwelling houses are owned or occupied by F. Young, A.B. Bouie, Geo. Bushey, F. Harrison E.A. Rouse, G. Schaeffer, Otto Ritz, E.J. Wallace, E. Craney, T. McLaughlin, H. Michaels, E. Yoerger, J.W. Crane, H. Ritz, J.W. Lowes, R.J. Kepkey, J.E. Shuttleworth, E. Shuttleworth, F.B. Davidson, A.J. Edlebrock, A.H. George, N. Taylor, Thos. Kidd, John Peters, Robt. Walker, Ross Bell, Math Rath and I make this solemn declaration believing the same to be true and knowing it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the "The Canada Evidence Act, 1893".

"Declared before me at Humboldt, Saskatchewan this 28th day of April 1905".

Mr. Davidson misspelled a number of names and gave wrong initials in several cases. For instance, the E.J. Wallace would be E.T. Wallace, E. Yoerger would be J G Yoerger.


Department of Public Works.


Public notice is hereby given that Thirty days after the Tenth day of May, 1905, the Hamlet of H U M B O L D T will be established. by Order of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor in Council, a Village under the provisions of The Village Ordinance, the area of the said Village of H U M B O L D T to consist of the north east quarter of section Nineteen (19) and the north west quarter of section Twenty (20) in township Thirty seven (37) Range Twenty two (22) west of the Second Meridian.


Commissioner of Public Works.

On February 28, 1907 a proclamation was issued by the Lieutenant-Governor declaring that from there on and after the 1st day of April, 1907, the Village of Humboldt be erected into a town municipality.

Town of Humboldt 1907-1981

(Sad) A.E. FORGET,
Lieutenant Governor.

Province of Saskatchewan.


To All To Whom These Presents Shall Come - GREETING.
(Sad) J.H. Lamont,
Attorney General.

Whereas satisfactory proof having been furnished that the preliminary acts and requirements requisite to the erection of THE VILLAGE OF HUMBOLDT into a Town as prescribed by The Municipal Amendment Ordinance, 1901, having been complied with:

NOW KNOW YE that by and with the advice of the Executive Council for the Province of Saskatchewan, I do, by this my
declare that on, from and after the first day of April, 1907, the said village of Humboldt be erected into a Town Municipality to be known as THE TOWN of HUMBOLDT and that the area of the said Town of Humboldt consist of the whole of Section 19, the west half of Section 20, the south west quarter of Section 29 and the south half of Section 30, all in Township 37 Range 22 west of the Second Meridian; and E.T. Wallace, of Humboldt, be the Returning Officer for the holding of the first election of Mayor and Councillors for the said town.

OF WHICH all persons whom these Presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly.

Given under the hand of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor and issued under the seal of the Province of Saskatchewan at Regina the twenty eighth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and seven and in the seventh year of His Majesty's reign.

Certified true copy.
(Sad) Edw. J. Wright,
Deputy Provincial Secretary.

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