Photo of Old Cluny Site
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Cluny Priory near Wetaug, Illinois, was founded by Rev. Oswald Moosmueller O.S.B. a member of St. Vincent's Archabbey. Its erection was authorized by a decree of the Propaganda, dated August 30, 1892. The date of the erection was October 6, 1892. Father Oswald was appointed its first Prior by Bishop Leo Haid, O.S.B. then Praeses of the Congregation.

To raise funds for the erection of the monastic buildings, and for the maintenance of a college, Prior Oswald began the publication of a monthly periodical "Die Legende" in October 1892. After seven years its publication was discontinued.Prior Oswald died of a violent attack of pneumonia, January 10. The Capitulare assembled shortly after his demise, but after two different members of St. Vincent' s Archabbey who were successively elected and refused the honor or burden, the Capitulars asked the Rev. Praeses to recommend someone. Thereupon Father Alfred Mayer of St. John 's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota, was appointed Prior for five years by Pope Leo XIII, April 25, 1901.

For reasons mentioned in accompanying history of St. Peter's Colony and Abbey, the Capitulars in a meeting held in the rectory of Assumption Church, St. Paul , Minn., December 22, 1902, decided to move their Priory to Saskatchewan in Canada. The decree from Rome authorizing this transfer dated September 12, 1904.

The name of Cluny priory was changed to St. Peter's Monastery.The first Mass celebrated in the Colony was Prior Alfred Mayer's Mass at Hoodoo, January 11, 1903. The second Mass was read by Father Bruno Doerfler 0,S,B, immediately after the same place and date.The first monastery building of the Benedictines in Saskatchewan, at a place later designated as Muenster, was built of and measured 12 x 14, and had only one window.

During the summer of 1903 a frame structure 16 x 16 was put up and various additions made to it before winter. Father John Balfre, O.S.B. did nearly all the carpenter work at first Holy Mass was said in a tent until a little log church had been erected.In May 1904 Bishop Pascal O.M.I. paid his first visit to the Colony, blessing the church at Leofeld erected the previous year and administering the Sacrament of Confirmation.

The first official postmaster at St. Peter's Monastery (now Muenster) appointed by the Dominion Government, was Rev. John Balfre, O.S.B. In April 26, 1906 an election for a new Prior was held at St. Peter's, the Praeses of the Congregation, Abbot Peter Engel, presiding. Father Bruno Doerfler was elected. His election was confirmed by Rome under the date of June 6, 1906. On the 29th of April took place the first Ordination to the Holy Priesthood, when Bishop Pascal ordained Leo Ojdowski, O.S.B. and Casimir Cismowski, in St. Peter's Church. This same year (1906) witnessed the building of a new Monastery, by the new prior. It was a frame structure, 38 x 62ft and two stories high.August 15, 1911 the Monastery was raised to the dignity of an Abbey. Prior Bruno was appointed its first Abbot. The benediction of the new Abbot took place in the Abbey church, October 18, 1911. On June 12, 1919, Abbot Bruno died at the hospital in Humboldt. At the election for a new Abbot held July 23, 1919, Abbot Ernest Praeses of the Congregation presiding, Father Michael Ott, O.S.B. of St. John's Abbey, Minnesota, was elected. His election was confirmed by Rome September 23, 1919. The Solem Blessing of the new Abbot took place in the Abbey church October 28, 1919.

In 1903 the following Benedictine' Fathers labored in the Colony: Prior Alfred Mayer, Peter Windschiegl , Chrysostom Hoffmann, John Balfre, Meinrad Seifermann and Dominic Hoffman. Father Bruno Doerfler stayed in Rosthern until September to assist the new settle in obtaining homesteads and all things necessary for a successful venture in a country far from the railway, He returned to St. John's in September. In the early part of 1905 he again came to Canada, this time to stay.To these were added in 1904, Matthias Steger, Benedict Steigenberger and Rudolph Palm.

In 1905 Father Ildephonse Molitor came from St. John's to help in the Missions, He returned to St. John' s and Father Lawrence Steinkogler came up to take his place. In 1906 were added Leo Ojdowski, Cabimir Cismowski, and Bernard Schaeffler. In this year a secular priest, Boniface Puth, arrived made his novitiate and became a member of the Order in due time. In 1911 our numbers were again increased by the ordination of Joseph Wicker.

On Saturday before Passion Sunday Marcellus Mayer, O.S.B. was ordained to the priesthood in the Abbey church by Bishop Charlebois, O.M.I.One of the two lay brothers with the Monastery from the beginning, Brother Rhaban Canongeanone, a Creole, died last winter. Father John died in February 1915, and Abbot Bruno last summer,June 12th.Rev. Tharcis Schmid, a secular priest, owing to health, came to St. Elizabeth's Hospital at Humboldt in the fall of 1916 and was made Chaplain there replacing Father Boniface who returned to the Abbey. During the winter of 1919- 20, Rev. D.J. O'Sullivan, a secular priest came with intention of joining the order.

Reprinted with permission of Diocese of Muenster, 1996
Box 10, Muenster, SK., S0K 2Y0

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