Compiled by Claire Novecosky, OSU

At the height of Vatican Council II, the bishops of the world began to understand that they are collegially responsible for the church everywhere. Pope John XXIII asked the bishops of North America to help sister churches in Central and South America where there was such a great need for personnel and financial help. Abbot Jerome Weber brought this request to the priests and sisters of the abbacy. Together it was agreed to send religious missionairies from the three communities to work in Brazil and to ask the people of the abbacy to support them with monetary contributions.

In May 1965, the three superiors Abbot Jerome Weber, OSB, Sr. Florianne Kohlman, OSE, and Sr. Jerome Pulvermacher, OSU made an exploratory trip through Latin America, touching down in main cities and contacting key people for counsel and advice as to the choice of location. The team was concerned with the building of personal values and dignity which are requisite to strong community.

The religious woman's presence, the specific role she can fulfill, that of witnessing to and proclaiming the Gospel, is important as a living expression of woman's worth and dignity. "The church made a decisive choice to opt for the poor. Church leaders met, made five year plans, and encouraged the pastors to implement these goals in the parishes. This led us to set up meetings, leadership workshops, liturgy and Bible preparation as well as all kinds of social action at our various social centres. Our people became involved in the different aspects of parish life and with the help of our dedicated social workers, our garish became vibrant.

The mission work continues. The seed planted back in 1967 with so much faith, availability and joy, continues to be cared for, cultivated, pruned and loved. At times tiny fruits appear together with the weeds and thorns, but as is said in the team's Mission Statement, "Filled with Gospel hope . . . as missionaries we are impelled by a truly universal vision, a genuine communion of churches joined in loving bonds of mutual enrichment, and are called to give life to a whole world."

Reprinted with permission of Diocese of Muenster, 1996
Box 10, Muenster, SK., S0K 2Y0

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