Semmelknödel (Bread Dumplings)

These can be served as a side dish to Gulash or pork roast and are a nice change from potatoes.

10 stale crusty buns
500 ml warm milk (2 cups)
1/2 tsp. salt and nutmeg
50 g butter or margarine
3 eggs, lightly beaten
2 tbsp. finely chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp. grated onion
3 tbsp. flour

Cut buns into thin slices. Pour warm milk over them and let stand in a large bowl. In the meantime, saute onion and parsley in butter and add together with eggs and salt to bun/milk mixture. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. With wet hands, form mixture into a ball the size of an egg and drop into the boiling water. Let it simmer for 10-12 minutes. Take out with a slotted spoon and keep warm. If your test Knödel stayed together, and kept its shape, continue this process. Cook only as many Knodel as the pot can take in one layer at one time. If Knödel come apart add more flour to the dough.

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