Ghost Stories and Legends Hey! Over here! You just opened the Ghost Stories and Legends chest. Well, have I got some stories for you! These stories are from Midland Ontario, Canada and the surrounding area. There's one about a house that is haunted by a woman that was never married, a legend about Kitchikewana and a wolf from Lafontaine. So, read ahead!. The tales are fun and interesting and kind of scary too. Actually I kind of wish there was someone else here on the island now that I think about it. But if you read these stories that contain the clues that will help me get off this island I'm stranded on, I won't have to be scared any longer.

Have fun, learn lots and help me get off the island!!!

Ghost Stories and Legends

The legend of Kitchikewana the Huron God is one of the most popular stories of the Midland area. This picture shows Kitchikewana, the God, who created the five bays and the 30 000 islands with his bare hands! Find out why and how this giant was able to do this, read about how you can still visit Kitchikewana to this very day, and enjoy one of the best legendary stories of Georgian Bay by clicking on the picture!

This is a picture of the Haunted Honeymoon House in Midland. This house is said to be haunted with the ghost of Amelia Jeffery. She was supposed to get this cabin as a wedding present from her husband, but the two never married. The house was left empty until Amelia died in her late 90's. The house was bought out by other people and remodeled it to what it looks like today. It is currently the home of the Heritage Animal Hospital. To hear the full story on the haunted house, just click the picture .

If you want to here a scary story of a wolf, then just click on the picture! This picture shows how fierce the wolf of Lafontaine might have been. Although most wolves are not known to be vioilent for no reason at all, the wolf of Lafontaine was. It frightened many people, until one day an unlikely person took action and became the hero of the town! So, if you want to here about how this happened, just click on the picture and read the story of the Loup de Lafontaine!

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Good quality copies of J.W. Bald's photographs can be obtained from the Huronia Museum c/o Bill Smith 1-705-526-2844 or through the National Archives of Canada, just refer to the archive number at the bottom of each picture.

Huronia Museum, Little Lake Park, P.O. Box 638, Midland, Ontario, Canada, L4R 4P4.

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