Children in the Past Howdy y'all and welcome to the Children in the Past Page. That's right, as unbelievable as it is, I am still shipwrecked. I'm a castaway on one of the 30,000 Islands in Georgian Bay near Midland, Ontario, Canada and need your help in the third degree. In this section you will find many interesting facts about children in the past. You will learn what is was like to be a kid back in the old days: what they did at school, for fun, and at home. You will be so surprised in the difference in a child's lifestyle compared with today. So come on and look at some great photos and three story pages explaining the life of a child in the past.

Have fun, learn lots and help me get off the island!!!

Children in the Past

This section deals with what a child's day was like. It shows how hard the children had to work doing chores. There was so much more work for children to do then than there is now of days. It shows how religion was a very important part of every child's life. This picture shows two boys taking a break after a very long day of work.

This section deals with what children did at school in the old days. It shows how children behaved and misbehaved and how they were punished. It expalins what the schools were like and what is was like going into high school. This picture is of Midland's first High School built in 1904, which, at the time, was considered one of the best in Ontario.

This section deals with what children did to have fun. Before electricity came to Midland many children had to make their own fun using their imaginations. Many games they played may seem boring to children now, but to the children back then it was exciting and lots of fun. This picture is a group of boys possibly part of a boy scout group taken around 1900.

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Good quality copies of J.W. Bald's photographs can be obtained from the Huronia Museum c/o Bill Smith 1-705-526-2844 or through the National Archives of Canada, just refer to the archive number at the bottom of each picture.

Huronia Museum, Little Lake Park, P.O. Box 638, Midland, Ontario, Canada, L4R 4P4.

This digital collection was produced under contract to Industry Canada .Check out other SchoolNet Digital Collection web pages.