History of Photography in Midland Hi All! I am still stuck here on one of the 30,00 Islands on Georgian Bay. My ship sunk and all the treasure chests containing photos, stories and interesting facts, have sunk to the bottom.The more you look through the chests the more clues you'll find in able to get me back home to Midland, Ontario, Canada. In the Photography treasure chest, you can find two really cool topics. One is on the photographers of Midland. They took awesome pictures of people, places and events from the early part of the century. The other topic is on why photography is so important. With photography we can actually see history instead of just reading about it. They're both very cool topics. so start searching everyone.

Have fun, learn lots and help me get off the island!!!

History of Photography in Midland

This is a picture of King St. in Midland around 1908. Notice how there are dirt roads? What would they do when it rained? This is just one of the many cool things that people can see when looking at old photographs. Through photography we can learn by seeing instead of just reading about it. For example, if you were to read about King St. Midland and how they had dirt roads, would you picture it like this? Probably not. Photography is the great invention that allows us to see what conditions our past generations lived in. To learn more about why photography is so important just click on the picture.

1992-20-35 or PA 29364

Mr. Bald also took many portrait pictures. Here is a picture of a husband and wife in the early 1900's. They don't look too happy do they? Actually part of the reas on they didn't want to smile was because the camera took so long to take a picture so everybody got tired of smiling. Also if there was even the slightest movement, part of the picture would be blurry. Click on the photo and find out more about J.W.Bald and other photographers in early Midland

PA 175880

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Good quality copies of J.W. Bald's photographs can be obtained from the Huronia Museum c/o Bill Smith 1-705-526-2844 or through the National Archives of Canada, just refer to the archive number at the bottom of each picture.

Huronia Museum, Little Lake Park, P.O. Box 638, Midland, Ontario, Canada, L4R 4P4.

This digital collection was produced under contract to Industry Canada .Check out other SchoolNet Digital Collection web pages.