[Industrial Trail Logo]MADE IN HAMILTON


IMAGE 48KThe United Steelworkers of America were part of a new wave of unionism that washed across Hamilton in the 20th century. Traditional craft unions remained powerful in many local plants until the Second World War. But many workers realized craft organizing was ill suited to the city's huge new industrial plants. Here skilled workers from many different crafts worked alongside many semi- and unskilled workers. Industrial unionism, where all workers in a plant were organized into a single union, became a more popular alternative.

IMAGEIMAGE 40KThis new form of unionism made only limited headway in the first part of the century. Real change came during the Second World War. Full employment, good wages and job security gave workers confidence. New labour legislation paved the way for union recognition at many major east end plants. When the war ended, workers were determined to maintain wartime gains. In 1946, a huge strike pit local steel, rubber, and electrical workers against their employers. The settlements that followed established industrial unionism in the city.

Industrial unions have played a major role in shaping the city. Hamilton now has some 150 local unions representing more than 50,000 workers.