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Courtesy of L. M. Montgomery Collection, Archival and Special Collections,
University of Guelph Library.

L. M. Montgomery, Emily and Emily of New Moon are trademarks of the Heirs of L. M. Montgomery Inc. and are used under licence by KenNet.
Anne of Green Gables is a trademark and a Canadian official mark of the Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority Inc. and is used under licence by KenNet.

In 1906, Maud became secretly engaged to the handsome, well-educated Presbyterian minister at Cavendish, Ewan Macdonald. She remained in Cavendish to care for her ailing grandmother, who had raised young Maud after her mother’s death. Her grandmother died in 1911. Four months later, Reverend Ewan Macdonald and Lucy Maud Montgomery were married in the home of Maud’s uncle, John Campbell, in Park Corner, Prince Edward Island.

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