The East to West Team

Fleur Sweetman is the owner and manager of Cyber-Knight Publishing and provided team leadership for this project. She started the multimedia firm after working on a SchoolNet Digital Collections project in 1996 entitled Lethbridge: History of A Prairie Community. Fleur has a B.A./B.Ed. with a major in Social Studies. She has been involved in web site development for a number of years with her first major project being a family Christmas Page.

Jason Carroll is working to complete a Master's degree in Divinity in Vancouver. This was Jason's first project in web site development. He researched, helped in the design and layout of the site, and proof read the text. Jason is a graduate of the University of Lethbridge, where he majored in History. He has strong ties to Lethbridge and the surrounding area, as he grew up on a farm outside of Lethbridge. The project served to broaden and intensify his historical interests.

Sarah Sander is a student of the University of Alberta. She is working towards a Bachelor of Human Ecology and majoring in Clothing and Textile. She headed the team in the area of data collection for the site. She was also involved in the editing of the text. This was her first web development site, and she is hoping to continue on to create her own web site and to use her new training to enhance her clothing and textile career.

Samantha MacDonald is a grade 12 student. Sam provided the team with direction and feedback about how user friendly the site was to teens. She played an integral part in the editing process of the site. The experince allow her to acquire skills and tools that will help her in her further ventures.

Sean Hanrahan is working to complete a Bachelor of Commerce in Japan Studies as a pre-law degree. Sean led the team in the scanning and graphic design. Due to a keen interest in Japanese culture he also played a part in the research of the text and editing. He feels that his acquired web design skills will be an asset to him in his future pursuits. Sean currently has his own personal site on the University of Alberta server.

Scott Sweetman was the technical support and trainer for the team. He worked the team through the story board process to create the graphical design and layout of the site. His technical and managerial abilities aided the team in creating a "third generation site."
