Photo Album Index

1 1910 Mr. James Shimbashi and his young friend behind the Dallas Hotel looking back on to 3rd Ave. S. Mr. Shimbashi was a cook at the Dallas at the time. (Click to see a thumbnail image)

2 1915 Threshing on the O.K. farm, section #4 in the Raymond area. Identified are Mr. Harry Yoichi Hironaka, center left, and Mr. Henry Kojun Iwaasa, center right.

3 1918 This was the first Hironaka family home, a small farm 1.5 miles west of Raymond.

4 1918 Fusae Hironaka died in the flu epidemic of 1918. As there was no Buddhist church at that time, the funeral took place in the Raymond town hall and was officiated by the Mormon Church members. The L.D.S. church was being used as an isolation ward.

5 1920 A farewell party was held for Kinichi Iwaasa, the youngest brother of H.K Iwaasa, on his return to Japan for the last time. The party was held at the Iwaasa farm, approximately 6 miles south of Raymond.

6 1925 The Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII) with Mr. & Mrs. James Zenkichi Shimbashi and their infant Edward. Mr. Shimbashi was employed as a cook at the Prince of Wales Ranch during the future King's visit.

7 1930 Kaisuke Hironaka came to Canada as an apprentice cook in 1918. [There is an historical error in this text panel as Mr. Hironaka came to Canada to apprentice on his uncle’s farm and not as a cook.] He returned to Japan to marry in 1930. He returned immediately to Raymond and his wife followed in 1931. This photo shows the traditional Japanese wedding dress.

8 1935 The Y.B.A. (Young Buddhist Association) Baseball team at Raymond, Alberta.

9 1938 The Kawamura and Hironaka families enjoying themselves at Waterton Lake.

10 1938 The Raymond Buddhist Church school children. Standing in the center rear is the Reverend Yutesu Kawamura.

11 1942 The arrival of Japanese evacuees at Picture Butte, from Mission, British Columbia. "There were crowds of people-farmers and newsmen. We tried to hide to avoid having our pictures taken. Wagons, horses and tractors waited to take us. We were terrified, not knowing where we were going. Some didn’t want to move. Women were crying. The farmers hurried us." Iinterview with Mr. and Mrs. Eiji Tashiro. A Dream of Riches.

12 1940 An example of the identification card carried during World War II by all people of Japanese descent. The card had to be produced when applying for travel, work, rations, etc. Name on the card: Yoji (George) Takeyasu.

13 1944 Yoji (George) Takeyasu harvesting sugar beets near Picture Butte.

14 1949 The celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Raymond Buddhist Church. Reverend Shinjo Ikuta (left) and Reverend Kawamura (right) are in the white robes.

15 1950 A Kendo demonstration, Raymond, Alberta. Traditional sports such as these have continued to provide Japanese Canadians with major cultural links to old-world Japan.

16 1950 Rosie Kawamura (holding the bouquet) won the popularity contest at the Picture Butte School.

17 1952 Reverend Ensei Nekoda teaching English to the Japanese ladies in Raymond, Alberta. [From left side of the table: Mrs. Oishi, Mrs. Tadokoro, Mrs. Isa Kayata, Mrs. Aiko Saruwatari, Mrs. Aiko Nishimura, Reverend Ensei Nekoda (teacher), Mrs. Chiaki, Mrs. Tsuki Hironaka, Mrs. Makino, Mrs.Yamazaki, Ms. Nakahama and Mrs. Saka.]

18 1954 The bridal party of Misae Hironaka, before her marriage to Akira Masuda.

19 1966 The arrangement of individually selected rocks during the construction of the Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden.

20 1966 A young boy eagerly helps pick stones for the Japanese Garden.

21 1967 Prince and Princess Takamatsu opening the Nikka Yuko Garden. The Nikka Yuko Garden, which means "Japanese-Canadian friendship," is Lethbridge’s contribution to Canada’s Centennial.

22 1970 The Old-timer’s Party posing in front of the Raymond Buddhist altar.

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Additional Photographs Index

A1 Circa 1910-1912, photograph of the Dallas Hotel Staff consisting of 5 men standing and 5 women sitting. Yoichi (Harry) Hironaka is the man on the far right of the photo and Mr. Shimbashi is standing on the far left. Others in the photo include Linda Carr, Adeline Johnson, Nellie Finnie, and James Gibbons.

A2 Mr. James Shimbashi, (date unknown).

A3 Circa 1911-1913, photo of Ichiro Hayakawa taken at Raymond. Mr. Hayakawa was born in Japan in 1884 and died there in 1975. He lived in Canada from 1905-1926 and came to Raymond around 1910 as a labor contractor with a party of Japanese workmen hired to harvest sugar beets. He opened a small grocery store in Raymond and later opened one in Cranbrook, B.C. In 1912, they moved to a small farm outside Cranbrook. He has three children living in the USA: Fred in Florida, Ruth in Detroit and S.I. Hayakawa, past president of the campus at the University of California and former senator in the US Government, and Grace is living in Japan. History

A4 Yoichi "Harry" Hironaka on the left, and Mr. Shimbashi on the right sitting on a prop of a crescent moon wearing a face. A banner with Lethbridge printed on it is behind them. Taken at the 7th International Dry Farming Congress, at the exhibition grounds, in a photographer’s booth. The congress was October 21-26, 1912. Mr. Shimbashi apprenticed cooking under Mr. Hironaka. Mr. Shimbashi went on to cook at the E.P. Ranch and Mr. Hironaka cooked at the Dallas Hotel in Lethbridge. In 1915, the Hironakas sold the restaurant they owned in Raymond to Mr. Shimbashi.

A5 This is a copy of a photo Yoichi Hironaka sent to Japan in 1912, when he asked his family to find him a wife.

A6 This is a copy of another photo Yoichi Hironaka sent to Japan in 1912, when he asked his family to find him a wife. Yoichi came to Canada in 1907. The marriage between him and Tsuki Kanehiro was arranged by their families. They exchanged photos, met for the first time on April 9, 1913, in Vancouver, and were married the next day.

A7 A photo of Tsuki Kanehiro sent to Yoichi Hironaka in 1912.

A8 Florence Hironaka remembers her mother, Tsuki Kanehiro, telling her it was this ship that she came to Canada on in 1913 or it was the one she traveled on when she went to Japan in 1919.

A9 Yoichi and Tsuki Hironaka taken on their wedding day April 10, 1913, in Vancouver, B.C. Both are dressed in western clothes.

A10 Yoichi and Tsuki Hironaka and their second child, daughter Fusae, September 6, 1915.

A11 Portrait taken of Yoichi and Tsuki Hironaka in 1918 with their second child. The Hironakas' first-born died 13 days after birth and Fusae died in 1918 during the flu epidemic.

A12 Photo of Fusae Hironaka standing on the right, and baby Ikey Hironaka on the left, in 1918.

A13 Photo of Fusae Hironaka on the right and Ikey Hironaka on left, both sitting in a pram, in 1918.

A14 In 1919 Tsuki Hironaka, with son Ikey, went to Japan on a visit to introduce her son to her parents. Both are in traditional Japanese Kimonos. At the time of the photo Tsuki was pregnant with son Shigehiro. He was born in September 1919, but died in Japan at the age of six months.

A15 Hironaka Family (date unknown) Father: Harry Yoichi, Mother: Tsuki, Akira (Ikey) standing and Baby Tucker (Takashi).

A16 Christmas in the Hironaka home (date unknown). Children sitting in their living room next to the Christmas tree. From the right: Jim, Florence, Ikey and Tucker.

A17 Photo taken in 1926, Mrs. Hironaka with three children, Ikey (with cat), Tucker, and Florence (in Tsuki’s arms), standing in front of their second home in Raymond. The house was built in 1925 and an addition was built later.

A18 Circa 1919-1920, Mr. Tanaka riding a horse at Raymond. Mr. Tanaka went back to Japan in the 1920s and never returned. He has a brother living in Coaldale, Alberta.

A19 A farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Tanesaburo Kosaka and family (who are sitting in the center of the front row). It was taken in 1929 in front of the Hironaka home in Raymond.

A20 The members of the Buddhist church in Raymond gathered to celebrate the arrival of the first shrine on September 1, 1930. Rev. Nagatomi is holding Obutsudan. The church was purchased by the Buddhists in 1929.

A21 Men, women and children standing and sitting around a float they decorated for the July 1st, 1931, parade in Raymond. The float represents a Japanese garden and there is a lantern hanging from one side. Yoichi Hironaka is the man on top, at the center of the float. Florence Hironaka is standing to the left in a white dress and mother is standing on the extreme right.

A22 Seven men, two women and one child posing, in 1932, by the Buddhist church in Raymond. Rev. Nagatomi is standing second from the right. Harry Yoichi Hironaka and son Robert in front. Tanaka Giichi, Sawada (Joe) [family name unknown], Okawauchi Sansaku, Kosaka Shozo, Rev. Nagatomi, Tomiyama Giichi. Seated in the front: left - Mrs. Sotomatsu Sawada, right - Mrs. Sono Tanaka.

A23 Rev. Nagatomi, Yoichi Hironaka, Toshi Matoba, and Florence Hironaka. (date and location unknown).

A24 Circa 1931-1932, Hironaka family picnic with friends: 1. Rev. Nagatomi, 2.Naoichi Aimoto, 3. Mr. Oishi (unknown child), 4. Unknown, 5. Kaisuke Hironaka, 6. Yoshino Hironaka, 7. Tsuki Hironaka, 8. Florence Hironaka, 9. Mrs. Oishi (unknown child), 10. Unknown, 11. Mrs. Maruyama, 12. Mr. Maruyama carrying Robert Hironaka, 13. Yoichi Hironaka.

A25 Japanese community picnic south of Raymond in 1931: 1. Unknown, 2. Akira Hironaka, 3. Naoichi Aimoto, 4. Unknown, 5. Mr. Halenda, 6. Kaisuke Hironaka, 7. Mr. Matoba, 8. Harry Yoichi Hironaka, 9. Jiro Iwaasa, 10. Mr. Maruyama, 11. Mr. Oishi, 12. Rev. Nagatomi. Children standing in the middle: 1. Jim Hironaka, 2.Unknown, 3. Unknown, 4. Unknown, 5. Unknown, 6. Tucker Hironaka. Seated: 1. Mrs. Hironaka 2. Robert Hironaka, 3. Tsuki Hironaka carrying Misae, 4. Florence Hironaka, 5. Miss Oishi, 6. Yoshio Oishi, 7. Mrs. Oishi carrying her child, 8. Mrs. Maruyama.

A26 Florence Hironaka standing, Misae Hironaka, Robert Hironaka sitting next to Rev. Nagatomi’s son, Masatoshi. The photo was taken on the Hironaka farm near Raymond in 1932.

A27 Rev. Nagatomi, Jim Hironaka, and Mr. Jiro Iwaasa standing next to a truck, 1931.

A28 Tsuki Hironaka with her son Marshall feeding chickens on their farm. (date unknown).

A29 In 1933 Yoichi and Tsuki Hironaka and their six children standing in front of their home near Raymond. From the left: Yoichi, Tucker, Florence, Misae, Robert, Jim, and Tsuki holding Marshall.

A30 1936, Hironaka family photo. In the back row from the left: Jim, Tsuki, Florence, Yoichi, and Tucker. Front row from the left: Misae, Arthur, Marshall and Robert.

A31 Funeral Procession in 1936 for Rev. Kawamura’s 18-month-old son, who had died of pneumonia. Rev. Kawamura had to officiate at the funeral of his son as there was no one else available. James Shimbashi in the car, left to right: Rev. Y Kawamura, Toshiko Kayata, man in background unknown, Mrs. Kawamura, (Rose) Yukiko Kawamura in front, Florence Hironaka, Leslie Kawamura carried by Mr. Maruyama, and Chiako Oshiro.

A32 Photo taken of Tsuki Hironaka and Arthur in 1937 in front of the Hironaka home in Raymond. Arthur was the youngest of Tsuki and Yoichi eleven children.

A33 Photo of a man in 1940 operating a tractor pulling a beet loader. The loader is dumping the beets into a truck that had "H.Y. Hironaka Raymond" written on the side.

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