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Kawartha Fisheries Association

The Kawartha Lakes Ecosystem and Educational Resource Section

Pilot Project: Scugog Valley Shoreline Renewal Program

Kawartha Lakes Ecosystem Information Links

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KFA Projects

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Welcome to the Kawartha Lakes Ecosystem On-Line

The Kawartha Lakes Ecosystem On-Line is an ecological centre for the Kawartha Lakes Region of Ontario presented by the Kawartha Fisheries Association (KFA).

The site explores the KAWARTHA LAKES through the presentation of information on:

  • The charitable, non-profit Kawartha Fisheries Association and the projects it has undertaken to improve the Kawartha Lakes for everyone.

  • The Kawartha Lakes Ecosystem, with educational information about fish and their habitat, all 17 Kawartha Lakes, and how people can make a difference. The information is directed at both students and adults.

  • The KFA Pilot Inventory Project -- The Scugog Valley Shoreline Renewal Program which included a Lake Inventory and a customized Geographical Information System.

Plus, a comprehensive reference section with links to Canadian information about ecological management, stewardship, shoreline restoration, and other related topics.

The Kawartha Lakes Ecosystem On-Line Team, would like to thank our Technical Advisors, our Partners and our hardware support, as well as, SchoolNet Digital Collections, and everyone else who gave us their support!

SchoolNet Digital Collections LogoSchoolNet Digital Collections LogoThis digital collection was produced under contract to the SchoolNet Digital Collections Program, Industry Canada.

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