Credits and Copyright

© 1998. All Rights Reserved, Ktunaxa/Kinbasket Independent School System.
Law prohibits unauthorized use of any pictures or text.
Written permission is required.

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We would like to thank the following people for sharing their information, wisdom and photographs:

The Ktunaxa/Kinbasket Elders

Group Photo Website Crew:
Norman Junior Allard
James L. Clarricoates
Bonnie Eugene
Janene Michel
Nicole Pawlak

Ktunaxa/Kinbasket Tribal Council Archives:
Jennifer Vallee
Christine Horst

Many Hands Ktunaxa Artisans' Co-operative

Ethnobotany Crew:
Pete McCoy
Mike Keefer
Thomas Munson

Troy Hunter

Dorothy Alpine

Martin Gravelle

Shane Sanchez

Laura McCoy

Gwen Philips-Clement

Russell Vallee

Craig Hillman

Ktunaxa Independent School Society

Traditional Territory Trek Organizers

Dan Joe

The Fundamental Learning For Youth Program
For lending us their photography equipment.
Erik Hoogstraten
Jamie Thomas
John Barns

We would also like to thank our families for their support.

If it were not for our ancestors we would not have the opportunity to study the Ktunaxa/Kinbasket people.

Photo Credits

Ktunaxa/Kinbasket Tribal Council Archives:
All photographs found on this site were graciously loaned to us by the KKTC Archives with the exception of the pictures listed under the headings below.

Website Crew Photograph Credits:
All photographs of plants on this site were taken by the Website Crew except for the following pictures which were taken by Michael Keefer:
Pine Grass
Nodding Onion
Spring Beauty

Many Hands Ktunaxa Artisans' Co-operative Photograph Credits:
Historic Cradle-Board
Present Day Cradle-Board
Skills Games Pictures
Assorted Craft Pictures

Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria, British Columbia Photograph Credits:
Tule tipi (Negative No. PN 6600)
Sturgeon Nose Canoe (Negative No. PN 11836)

© 1998. All Rights Reserved, Ktunaxa/Kinbasket Independent School System.
Law prohibits unauthorized use of any pictures or text.
Written permission is required.


Bibby, Marg and Teresa Laplante. Ktunaxa Resource Kit; Early Intermediate Studies of the Ktunaxa First Nation. Printed in Canada: Ktunaxa/Kinbasket Language Program, 1994.

Coupe, Ray, Dennis Lloyd and Roberta Parish. Plants of Southern Interior British Columbia. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine Publishing, 1995.

Courtenay, Booth and James H. Zimmerman. Wildflowers and Weeds: A Field Guide in Full Color. New York, N.Y.: Prentice Hall Press, 1978.

Hart, Jeff. Montana – Native Plants and Early Peoples. Helena, MT.: Montana Historical Socitety, 1976.

Parish, Roberta. Tree Book: Learning to Recognize Trees of British Columbia. Victoria, BC: British Columbia Ministry of Forests, 1996.

Turner, Nancy. Food Plants of British Columbia Indians. Part 2: Interior Peoples. Handbook No. 36. Victoria, B.C.: British Columbia Provincial Museum, 1978.

Turner, Nancy. Plants In British Columbia Indian Technology. Victoria, BC: British Columbia Provincial Museum Handbook, 1979.

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