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Letters to North America

Saint Eugène de Mazenod (1782-1861)
Marseilles, December 13, 1859.

I have begged our good, our excellent Bishop, to leave me a little space to send a few lines to you myself to remind you of me and to tell you again how much you are present to my thoughts and uppermost in my heart. Throughout the time when Mgr Grandin has been staying with me, we have done nothing but talk of our Red River mission. I already knew how much it meant in the eyes of God and of the Church, but all the news that our new Bishop has given me has filled me with greater and greater admiration. He took care to efface himself, and it is impossible to be more modest, more humble, than that holy man! What a good brother he is for you!

He had nothing but good to say of each one of you. He intends to make a journey into Savoy simply to give news of one of you to his family. He counts nothing too much if he can give pleasure. What an excellent character! He has won all hearts here as well. So I congratulate you on having a Superior and all that I ask for and hope is that you will live in the most perfect possible accord with him in all the relations that you have together. I will do all that I can to lighten your burden, to give him some companions on his return journey to your country. They will not be as numerous as I should like, because we cannot meet every need and also because for your mission stronger health is needed than that enjoyed by most of our young fathers or scholastics.

I will choose the best men that we have, not only from this point of view, but also for zeal and devotion. I know what is needed to be able to do any good among your Indians and in your climate which is so harsh. Happily, you will serve as models for them, and they will only have to walk into your steps and imitate you. What I ask above all is that charity should reign among you all. Ubi charitas ibi pax. I would be very pleased if you were to take advantage of the two posts that bring us into contact in order to give me your news, for I feel the lack of it very keenly. Mgr Grandin has brought me letters from nearly all our Fathers. I have not received one from you. Perhaps you have not been able to profit by the opportunity offered by his journey, but I have felt the pain of this deprivation none the less: I would not like to think that you had forgotten your old father. Come then, prove to me that it is not true. Farewell, my dear children – I embrace both of you and the Brothers who are with you from the fullness of my heart.

C.J. Eugene, Bishop of Marseilles

Collection: Oblate Writings II

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