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Land Archeology

While the excavation of the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke was an underwater archeological dive a brief examination of land archeology may be beneficial in first appreciating the discipline of archeology and then recognizing the differences between so-called land and water archeology.

archeology archeology

Several texts on the subject of archeology, for various levels of interest from the newcomer to the more advanced, are available (for a sampling of introductory texts see the bibliography). Naturally space does not permit an overall description of archeology within this website however it is important to keep in mind that, as with any archeological undertaking of this magnitude, the rediscovery of the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke was undertaken by a team made up of underwater archeologists, divers, and researchers interested in increasing our knowledge of nineteenth century Canada through a more complete understanding of this vessel and its development.

archeology archeology

The images presented here represent what is probably a common perception of what archeology is all about. Painstaking digging to uncover the past. That perception is basically accurate.

archeology archeology archeology archeology