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Even though many passengers travelled on the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke, the boat was designed primarily as a cargo ship. Since, even to the present day, it is cheaper to send goods by ship, it should not be surprising to see that this vessel was designed to transport cargo.


A typical cargo for the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke in 1820 would consist of 533 barrels of flour, 25 barrels of butter, and 15 barrels of pork. Also making up the freight would be 12 casks of butter and 12 kegs of pork, 8 casks of cider and several baskets of bottles. Also in the hold would be various pieces of furniture, such as 1 desk, 3 beds, and 1 sawing-trestle. To complete this example of a typical cargo we could add 39 barrels of resin, 3 pipes, 1 chest, 5 trunks, 7 cases, 8 big boxes, and 1 small, 2 small pack of wares, 1 small package, 3 barrels, and 2 kegs of unidentified goods.

As you can see the hold of the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke was always quite full.