The P.S. Lady Sherbrooke
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Under the Cabin of the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke

The bottom of the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke was only eleven centimeters (1 foot) below the floor of the ladies First Class cabins. The area under the cabin was found in a relatively good state. An inspection of the rear of the boat showed that many pieces of deadwood were nailed to the keel in order to raise the position of the framing members or ribs.

Under the Cabin Under the Cabin

Each rib received a number starting with number 1 located at the bow. Under the cabins are numbers 108 to 120. The final frame, located at the stern is the 135th. In fact as you can see or imaging on the photos the frame 121 to the end are in reality half frames. They are nailed to the side of the upper deadwood ! Don’t panic if you don’t understand because it’s really not simple.

Under the Cabin Under the Cabin

Because of the curve imposed to the frame situated under the cabin, the shipbuilder was obliged to add strengthening pieces or cross chocks over the frame. Several of these chocks are visible on the photos.

Under the Cabin Under the Cabin