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Poetry Exercises


Most Commonly Used Words Exercise 30 Answers
1. Let's go to the movies this weekend!
2. A lot of trees died from the Ice Storm 1998.
3. That dress is very expensive.
4. He lives on the bottom floor of his building.
5. He laughed very loud when I tickled him.
6. I like to be friends with everyone.
7. The letter "R" is a consonant.
8. 16 was my favourite age.
9. She loves kids although she doesn't want any.
10. Babies are very tiny compared to adults.
11. Please be quiet, the baby is sleeping!
12. Can you teach me how to act?
13. I can count very high in French.
14. The car rolled into a ditch.
15. Is that a 45 degree angle?
16. That is a very nice melody.
17. My family is very poor.
18. My French class is after lunch.
19. I will remain still.
20. Be careful you don't cut your fingers!