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Poetry Exercises


Most Commonly Used Words Exercise 34 Answers
1. Someone told me about the party.
2. I wonder who's going to win?
3. We won a trip to Africa.
4. Can we go on a trip this summer?
5. It's not good to fight with people.
6. I like the beat to this song.
7. Most people I know, don't like to iron.
8. Can you help me solve this problem?
9. What factors is your decision based on?
10. Can I go on that ride?
11. I pushed my way to the front row.
12. I like to play outside.
13. I'll have this one instead.
14. I need a second copy, please!
15. What type of music do you like?
16. Let's go swim in the lake.
17. Do you like my hair?
18. I weigh 140 pounds.
19. That was a wonderful moment we shared.
20. I love my chocolate milk.